Optimization Options

For optimization and analysis purposes, it is often useful to sort the compiled output of a logic table in a number of different ways. The logic engineer can control how the code is generated by the LogicGem Compiler by using the options in the Optimization sub-menu of the Compiler menu. A checkmark in the Optimization sub-menu indicates which sort option is in effect during the compilation process. Only one optimization option is in effect at a time.

NOTE: It is recommended you select the default optimization method unless you have a specific need to use an alternative method. Due to its inherent nature, the compiler optimizations are generally only appropriate for Nested If/Else code structures.

Optimization Option Description
Default Default optimizations with rules prioritized as they are listed in the table
Prioritize Yes Columns Yes columns are prioritized before the No columns
Prioritize No Columns No columns are prioritized before the Yes columns
Prioritize Cost Rules are prioritized according to their increasing value assigned in the Cost option
Prioritize Frequency Rules are prioritized according to their decreasing value assigned in the Frequency option
Cost / Frequency Heuristics Rules are prioritized according to their decreasing value of combined cost-frequency ratio

You may select the desired optimization using the following method:

Click on the Compiler menu function.

Click on the Optimization sub-menu to display the list of available options.

Click on the desired optimization. The next time you select the Optimization sub-menu, the sort option you selected will have a check mark.