When you purchase a LogicGem license, you will receive an email from our sales team which contains a product serial number. If you are installing LogicGem for the first time, or reinstalling it on your workstation or laptop, you can enter this serial number as part of the installation process. This will automatically register your software without any additional steps.
If you have installed LogicGem with an evaluation license, you can update your license information with a serial number from within the application. After you have purchased a serial number, select Help | License from the menu.

Enter your name, your company name, the email address you used when purchasing LogicGem and the serial number our sales team has sent you. If you have purchased LogicGem for personal use, it’s not required to enter a company name.
Note: Your serial number is licensed specifically for you. LogicGem does not have site-wide licensing, so each person in your organization who uses LogicGem will need their own license. When you install LogicGem with a serial number, the license is created for the current user account. If you have shared access to a system, your license will not be applied to other users.
Your serial number is composed of several groups of digits separated by dashes. It must be entered exactly as provided. We recommend that you copy your serial number from the email we have sent you, and then paste it into the form rather than entering it by hand. If you mistype the serial number, a warning message will be displayed, and you can enter it again.
If you encounter any unexpected problems or error messages during the registration process, please contact our technical support team and they will be able to assist you.